Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today's OB Visit

I went to the OB today for my check up. After taking the iron pills everyday and eating my fair share of hamburgers, I'm happy to say my Iron level has come up to 11.7. They want to keep it over 11, so we're right on track. My blood pressure was 104/66, low as always :) I'm measuring at 32cm, a little smaller with this pregnancy. She said as long as I'm between 32-36, I'm fine. I've gained 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks, for a total of 27lbs to date. C-section is scheduled for 8:30am on Friday morning the 18th of September. We have to be there at 6:30am. I found out some great news also, my mom is allowed to be in the OR along with Justin to video tape the c-section. Either Justin or the Anesthesiologist will take the 'still' pictures. I want another picture like I have with Kaeli, of Talan halfway in my belly and half way out. Pretty neat! So we are both very excited about that. 4 weeks left...

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