Friday, August 28, 2009

Chloee and Kaeli

Chloee and Kaeli's playday. Thanks Daddy for the new ball thing to play in, we have so much fun!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Macy's 1st Birthday

The Gang :) & Scott (Jamie's Stepdad)

Jamie and her mom

Jamie helping Macy open her gift

Macy eating her Birthday cake

Jamie, Johnny and Macy

Jamie's Dad and Stepmom

Betty and Scott (Jamie's Mom and Stepdad) & Macy

Me and Jessica

Happy 1st Birthday Macy

Jamie and Johnny cutting Macy's cake

Kaeli, Macy and Chloee playing

The Mommy's (Sprite in my glass)

The Daddy's

We all celebrated Macy's 1st Birthday over at Jamie's mom and Stepdad's house this afternoon. Had a great time. The girls just love playing with each other. Jamie's Stepdad made this delicious pasta dish with salad and garlic bread. So good! Need to get that recipe. The cake was absolutley beautiful. All the girls were ready for a nap afterwards. Looking forward to many more birthday's together :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chloee's 1st Birthday Party

Happy 1st Birthday Chloee

Chloee's bib to match her handmade outfit

Me and Kaeli, Leslie and Chloee', Jamie and Macy

Chloee's smash cake

Johnny, Jamie and Macy


Chloee's castle cake

We went to Chloee's 1st birthday party this afternoon and had a great time. She's a little diva! Tomorrow we will be celebrating Macy's 1st birthday. Thanks for inviting us, we will all have a triple birthday party next year for the girls :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Girls night at La Nap

Me, Erica and Ryan took the kids out tonight to La Nap for some Yummy Mexican dinner. Sushi is calling sometime in the next couple weeks before Talan gets here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today's OB Visit

I went to the OB today for my check up. After taking the iron pills everyday and eating my fair share of hamburgers, I'm happy to say my Iron level has come up to 11.7. They want to keep it over 11, so we're right on track. My blood pressure was 104/66, low as always :) I'm measuring at 32cm, a little smaller with this pregnancy. She said as long as I'm between 32-36, I'm fine. I've gained 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks, for a total of 27lbs to date. C-section is scheduled for 8:30am on Friday morning the 18th of September. We have to be there at 6:30am. I found out some great news also, my mom is allowed to be in the OR along with Justin to video tape the c-section. Either Justin or the Anesthesiologist will take the 'still' pictures. I want another picture like I have with Kaeli, of Talan halfway in my belly and half way out. Pretty neat! So we are both very excited about that. 4 weeks left...

Visit to Chloee's house

Playing in the Balls

She just loves the castle

Hi Chloee

We went over to Leslie and Chloee's house today for an hour of playtime. It's so nice having a little friend for Kaeli to play with that's her age. She just loves it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kaeli and her new baby, Kensli

Kaeli and her new baby, Kensli

She cries, eats, sleeps, laughs and says momma

She will feed her baby while Mommy feeds Talan

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kaeli's 1 Yr Shots

I took Kaeli to the Pediatrician this morning to get her 1 year shots and well baby check-up. She's a healthy baby girl. She is at 48% for her weight, weighing in at 20 lbs. She is at 99% for Length, measuring 31 inches long. And she is at 51% for Head Circumference, so she is growing into her head. We go back for her 15 month and 18 month shots and then Talan's turn.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Kaeli just loves her bathtime and we have fun watching her! Thanks to everyone that got her bath toys for her birthday, she loves them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Braeden and Trenten

Braeden and Trenten came over and we went to see Justin's work truck and they got in to see what he does every day. They loved crawling through it. Then I took them to Ollie Koala's to play some games. Earlier today they spent the day at the beach. I'm sure they will sleep really good tonight :) Kaeli loves hanging out with her cousins.