Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Talan's 6 month Check Up

I took Talan this morning for his 6 month check up. He got his 3 shots again this morning, not quite sure which ones. I just trust the Dr and God. I'm sure he'll be fine. :) Everything else checked out Great! One healthy baby boy. 16lb 14oz (40% Percentile for weight), 27 inches long (79% Percentile for Length), head circumference was in the 50th percentile. This is a picture of Kaeli I took while we were waiting in the waiting room for them to call Talan back. I thought it was just too cute with her pulling her shades down.

Kaeli's Gymboree Class

Kaeli has really been enjoying her Gymboree class. We go every Wednesday morning from 10:30-11:30. Talan stays on a 'sling' on my chest, so I get a pretty good workout with the extra weight and chasing Kaeli and helping her out with all the 'obsticles'. This particular class theme was 'Through', they learned how to go 'through' things and throw the ball 'thought' different things. They change the theme every 2 weeks. A few examples are 'Slow' and 'Fast', 'Up' and 'Down'. This class is kids from 16-22 months of age.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kaeli Feeding the Ducks

We took Kaeli to feed the Ducks at 'Sunday Park'. We brought plenty of bread with us. She attemped at the 'quack, quack' sound. Too cute!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

We took off to spend the afternoon at the zoo. What a beautiful day outside, low 70's and Sunny! We meet up with 2 of my girlfriends from High School, Amber and Cathon and their kids. Took a little break for a picnic. Fun Times...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Snowboarding in Lynchburg

Kristen and Dustin took us to 'SnowFlex' which is 2 minutes away from their house to try out Snowboarding. Me and Justin put on the boots and grabbed a snowboard and Dustin grabbed the ski's. Kristen was the photographer and took care of baby Dylan. They have 'fake' snow year-round. If I had to describe it, I would have to say it's like wet velcrow. So, needless to say, in case of a fall you have to be wearing long sleeves and long pants. We all bit the dust a few times in the beginning. It took a minute to get used to it and then I just couldn't stop. We got the 'feeling' for it on the 'Bunny' slope, then headed for the Big Slope. Thank you Alieve for Alieviating my pains for the next few days. Will be back at Christmas. Yay!