Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valentine's Day Pics 2010

So Kaeli can't stay still for more than 2 seconds, so this is as good as it gets. She was dancing around and into everything, except for staying still. I'm really gonna have fun this time next year when they're both running around like wild animals. I was literally sweating chasing after her in there. Anyway, I still had to capture the moment. She'll love looking back at these one day :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christ's Church Reading Time

This morning we went to Christ's Church reading time. It was from 10am-11am. We all sang songs, they read a couple books, and blew bubbles. The kids loved it! It's for any child 4 years old and younger and a nice way for me to meet more 'stay at home' moms. Kaeli, as always, can't sit still, so she was all over the stage dancing. She's our little entertainer. They are doing this once a month and hopefully will start doing it more if there's a good turnout everytime. I'm signing her up for Gymboree next Friday. She will be in that for 3 months. It's 1 hour a day, once a week. It's kids in her age group, they all play in this big room together and tumble and slide down slides. While all the Mommy's sit and chit-chat and watch. I'll be posting pics of that once we start the beginning of February.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Talan's 1st taste of 'real' food

So I tried Talan on Banana's for the 1st time this afternoon. He'll be 4 months old on Friday, so it's time for cereal, fruits and veggies. Like any other 4 month old, he spit it out. I'll continue with every meal and eventually he'll love it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Playtime in Playland

This afternoon Me, Kaeli and Talan met up with Andrea and her son, Conner, Jamie and her daughter, Macy, and Leslie and her daughter, Chloee. We all went to eat lunch at Ruby Tuesday's at the mall and then took the kids to the little Play area in the middle of the mall for some playtime. They had a blast! (Don't mind my roots, got 'em touched up the next day) hehehe

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our little Justin

This is a picture of Justin and his mother, Ginger, when Justin was 17 months old. Wow, crazy how much Kaeli looks like Justin at 17 months.

So Sweet...

I just had to post these pics of him. He is just too cute! He loves his fingers, but still hasn't quite figured out which one he likes best :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day at the Park

Justin ended up taking the day off today because he was not able to deliver his cars in Miami by the cut-off time. So we took the kids to the park this afternoon. It was just too pretty not to get outside for a while :) Nice having him home!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our Precious Babies Sleeping

Our little sweet babies sleeping away. We just love these kids more than anything! When I went in to wake her from her afternoon nap (so she wouldn't sleep till 8 o'clock), she was sleeping away and wouldn't budge. She had her blanket over her head and was in a deep sleep. I moved the blanket from her face, moved her legs and arms and she still slept. Bless her heart. I ended up rubbing her arm and saying her name softly and she woke up and smiled as she always (most of the time) does. She's our little doll.

Kaeli Watching the muffins cook

Okay, so I attempted to learn how to upload video's to YouTube. So I'm hoping you will be able to view this from my blog as well. If so, I will continue to upload them on here as I videotape the kiddo's. Enjoy (hopefully) Sorry, this video is a little dark. Should of had both lights on :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So Talan has to be where the action is. So he's hanging out in the bathroom with me and Kaeli as I'm giving her a bath. She is 'cheesin' away. She has these dogs that when you get them wet with a wash cloth, you can wipe their spots off. Then they re-appear when dry. Pretty neat. These pictures are showing you how she puts all her toys back in their home after she's done with her bath. Too Cute!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Morning Time Playtime

Between the Today Show and Dora the Explorer, we work in a little playtime until the morning nap :) ...and cross my fingers that they both go down at the same time. Yeah, once in a blue moon. aaaa, the joy of having them so close together. Never a Dull Moment in my days.