Saturday, October 31, 2009

Little Miss Pageant

This afternoon we went to see Kaeli's friend, Chloee in her little Miss Pageant. I took a few pictures of the other girls too. They were all so cute. Chloee won 4 medals and 1 trophy! Yay Chloee. Good luck at Nationals!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Kaeli loves learning her ABC's, 123's, Colors, Shapes and much more on She's gonna be a smart kid.... we hope :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Date Night

Me and Justin got a chance to go out without any kids for the first time in 15 months. It was nice to actually be able to talk without being interupted by little Miss Kaeli grabbing everything off the table. hehehe Gotta love her! Thanks Kristen and Mom for watching the kids.

Mr. Talan

Kaeli playing with her favorite toys, tupperware

Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Pics

Today we dressed the kids up in their Halloween outfits and took them for a few pictures. We also had a 4-Generation picture made of Kaeli's hand, my hand, my moms hand and Grandma's hand. I will be hanging that in Kaeli's room. She'll love it!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Great Surprise

My sister flew into Jacksonville to surprise me after Talan was born. What a great surprise! I love you, Kristen! Your the best sister ever!