Talan finally made his appearance. Born Sep 22nd at 10:39am. 19 3/4 inches long, weighing 6 lbs 13 oz. Kaeli is getting adjusted to the new arrival. They will make great friends one day. We were trying to get his bilirubin count up... Hense the pictures of Talan 'sunbathing' in the sunroom. He was born a little jaundice, we got that fixed real quick.
Gave Kaeli a bath after a long day of pictures and playing at Bri's birthday party. She is in the sink because she pooped in the tub while taking a bath. She just loves the warm water. Bless her heart. Had to bleach the tub and all the toys...AGAIN :)
We went to Brianna's 1st Birthday party this afternoon. They had a fun bouncey thing set up in the backyard for the kids to play on. Kaeli had a great time! Brianna just dug into her birthday cake and had to get a bath afterwards :)
We went to the Picture People at the Avenues mall to take a few more pictures a week before delivery. I am so ready to have him. We all can't wait to meet him on Friday. :)
We went to Kim and David's Housewarming party tonight. Had a great time with friends. Love the new house and can't for ya'll to bring home your first baby there :) Love Ya'll!
My name is Jennifer and I am from Virginia, but currently live in Jacksonville Florida. I married the love of my life Justin May on March 26, 2005. Last year I gave birth to our first daughter, Kaeli, on August 4th, 2008. We are expecting our second little blessing on September 18th this year. Can't wait to meet our little boy, Talan!