Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cousins Playing

Kaeli's cousin's, Braeden and Trenten came over today to play with Kaeli. We all went down to the park, then came home and had some sandwiches. Then they played in the playroom with each other. Kaeli loves their company and can't wait for her little brother to get here. We are all excited about celebrating her birthday and my baby shower this weekend! Will be posting more pictures then...

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We all met up at Schooners on our way home on Saturday for some Yummy Shrimp! Kaeli was not feeling well due to taking a gulp of the pool water a couple days before, so that will explain why she is not a happy girl in the pictures. Although, she was a trooper as always, we went on to the indoor mall and walked around and shopped a little. Then we came home and put Kaeli down and poor baby slept for 5 hours. Perfect timing for Justin and Dustin to put new Brake Pads and Roters on my car while me and Kristen went to visit a couple of her friends and over to Babies Are Us. We stopped by the shoe store and picked up Justin and Dustin some Sperry shoes for all their hard work :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Daytona Beach

Justin and I took Kaeli for a little stroll and then she went down for a nap before we all went to a Great Italian Resturant for dinner. We all agreed that it was some of the best Italian food we had ever had! Will definately go back there next time in Datonya! We all came back and took a few pics on the beach before the sun went down.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kaeli on the Beach

We all went out to the beach today so Kaeli could feel the sand between her toes. She loved the water and kept wanting to go in the ocean. We all took a nice relaxing walk on the beach and she just enjoyed looking at all the people. We all went back to the hotel room and took our showers and had dinner then went downstairs to watch Justin and Dustin play Shuffle board. We had a ball that evening watching Kaeli play on the blow up mattress we brought down :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby Kaeli

These are some pictures that Kimmie took while over at our house on July 4th. She will also be taking my pregnancy pics for Talan here in a few weeks. Thanks Kimmie!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa's house

Kristen and Dustin came down to Florida to visit for a week. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house this morning for some homemade Beligian Waffles, fruit and bacon, YUMMY! Kristen and Dustin brought Kaeli's 1st birthday present down, so she got a chance to open it up while there. We stayed and visited for a while, then we went to Once Upon A Child and found a whole bunch of New Outfits for Talan for a $1 a piece. No that's not a type-o, I said a $1 a piece. Gotta love that store! Later on we all headed to a Sushi Resturant down in San Marco for some fried Sushi, rice, salad, chicken and steak. Look forward to visiting with them again down in Ormond Beach this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Kaeli and Chloee' Playdate

Today my girlfriend, Leslie dropped off her little Chloee' for a few hours to play with Kaeli so she could get some stuff posted on e-bay. They had a great time playing together. They are 21 days apart in age. Looking forward to celebrating both of their birthday's in August along with their other little girlfriend Macy!