Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nursery Duty

We volunteer in the nursery after first service every Sunday. This Sunday we were in with the toddlers. In mine and Justin's room, we had 5 precious crawlers including little Miss Kaeli. They were all great to keep entertained!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aunt Neta, Mamaw and Papaw

Aunt Neta is in visiting from Tenn. Mamaw and Papaw brought her over for a visit with little Miss Kaeli this afternoon.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A day out with the Girls

We went out to lunch with some friends to Chili's and then headed to the pool for some fun in the sun. Had a great time with Dawn, Jessica, Jamie and her baby Macy. Macy and Kaeli were born in the same month (Aug 2008) we were just missing baby Cloee'.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kristen and Dustin's little peanut

My sister Kristen and her husband Dustin went in this morning to see the heartbeat of their first child for the first time. The Doctor told them she is a little over 9 weeks prego and the due date is set for January 28, 2010. We are all so excited to meet him/her.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today was Justin's first Father's Day. We celebrated by going to church, then coming home to eat lunch and all of us laid down for a nice quiet afternoon nap. Then we played with Kaeli, then I ran and grabbed some Italian food to bring home for dinner. It was my night off....hehehe Kaeli tried Cheese Ravioli for the first time and loved it. Needless to say I had to give her a nice bath afterwards. Then she went to bed while me and Justin watched a movie. It was a nice relaxing day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me and My Dollbaby

I got my hair cut and colored for the summer this morning. I really like it, but could go a lot shorter. Justin wants me to grow it back out... so we will see. I went later on that afternoon to Angela's baby shower. First time I've left Kaeli for more than 2 hours with anyone, including Justin. He did a great job! Thanks sweetie, I love you both!

Angela's Baby Shower

Today we celebrated Angela's baby shower. She is one of my good friends here in Jacksonville and we can't wait to meet her little girl. No name picked out yet, hopefully that will happen by her due date which is August 20th. We had a great time and she got plenty of useful things. I love the idea someone had for the diaper cake, it was filled with diapers, onsies, burp clothes, etc... and her cake was beautiful, decorated with real flowers!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Baby Bump

Okay, here it is in all it's glory, AGAIN. Second Hot summer in a row being pregnant. This picture was taken at 25 weeks. I'm growing a lot faster this time. Maybe Talan will be a football player one day.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tastefully Simple Party

We went to my friend Andrea's house to a Tastefully Simple party tonight. The Food was delicious!