Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mom's 50th Birthday

My mom turned 50 today! We celebrated up in Va with her. She opened a bunch of nice gifts including a memories book put together by my sister that had 'best wishes' from all of her friends and family. Neat Idea! My dad had some company come out to the house and put all these cows in the front yard with a sign that read, "Holly Cow! Karen is 50 now!" Had to let all the neighbors know too :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Our trip to Tenn

We traveled to Tenn for the apple festival and to visit some relitives. We did a lot of sight seeing and climbed to the top of some mountain (in flip flops). Never Again, my calves and shens killed me the next day. Can't remember the name of it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Orlando, Florida with the Family

Trip to Orlando, Florida with Justin, Mom, Dad, Kristen and Dustin. We stayed at a really nice resort down there. Justin, Add ImageDustin and Dad played golf a few days. We all went to Epcot and hung out at the pool and enjoyed yummy dinners. Had a great time!